Start Making

By using any paint, colored substrate or digital color which matches to the color, you and your creation are part of INTOyellow. Check out below for more information on how to start creating with INTOyellow.

Bring INTOYellow to your town!

Start with our Style Guide.

Get INTOyellow

Any color that matches Pantone 108 C is INTOYellow. It’s your intentional use of this special shade that completes the process. 

Make with INTOyellow

Start using INTOYellow in your artwork, and see what comes up for you. Create something with this color and share it with the world!

Share INTOyellow

Be a part of the growing community.  Share your work with other artists and on social media.

Tag and follow the broader movement so that we can see and share your great work!


@INTOyellow (Facebook)

@into_yellow (Instagram + Twitter)

Gift INTOyellow

The magic is in the communal and collaborative nature of this project. A great way to further the mission of Optimism in Action is to share a can of INTOYellow paint with someone, to fuel their creativity, and help get them involved.